Demand for Travel By Private Jets Services is Skyrocketing Due to Coronavirus

The effects of Coronavirus are being felt across the travel industry but as commercial airlines have been hit hard, the private jet industry is booming with inquiries.
Coronavirus has caused a drop in flight bookings and many commercial airlines have announced cuts in their flight schedules.
With travellers looking to avoid crowded airports and packed cabins in commercial flights, or to evacuate from affected countries, LunaJets has noticed a sharp rise in demands for private jet travels. Even with all safety measures in place, many want to avoid crowds as it has been shown that people may not show Coronavirus symptoms in the early stages.
Alain Leboursier, Head of Sales and Development at LunaJets, Europe’s leading private jet charter says that over the last few days, inquiries have increased by 45% for regular private jet charter flights, emergency flight for evacuation and even cargo charter.
Travelling by private jets is perceived as a way to decrease the risk to contract Coronavirus. Passengers are able to avoid crowds in the airports as they go through a separate terminal for private jets. Security controls at private jet terminals are also faster than in commercial terminals and there are no queues.
Aside from extra sanitary measures applied to the aircraft and crew, private jet flights are operating normally for private jet companies.