Boys and cars go together like bread and butter. With toys like hot wheels and racing cars making most of their childhood, for a lot of these boys, owning a supercar and emulating James Bond becomes a dream.
The loud roar of the engine as it starts, the reverberating sound as you speed around town and the attraction that you get as you drive your car are just some of the most rewarding parts of owning a supercar.
Considering the hefty price it comes with, investing in a supercar normally arrives at later stages of your life and is attributed to a fair amount of success. However that’s not the case for these 5 individuals who’ve made their mark and got themselves a spiffy ride.
Successful and under 30, we got these very guys to dish on their experiences as supercar owners and drivers.
Heeraj Sharma
Age: 28
Occupation: Family Business
Car: Bentley Continental GTC, W12

Vanilla Luxury: When did you decide you wanted a supercar and why?
Heeraj: We decided to get the Bentley about 2 years back or so after we he viewed the car in the showroom and simply fell in love with it.
Vanilla Luxury: What’s the biggest risk you’ve taken till date?
Heeraj: Hmm. I am pretty careful till date. Probably just some high speed spirited driving - out of Singapore of course.
Vanilla Luxury: You’re on a date with a beautiful woman and she accidentally spills something in your car, how would you react?
Heeraj: I would just smile, take out my cloth (always keep one in the door pocket) and just wipe the spill up.
Aaron Rylan Keder
Age: 27
Occupation: Self-Employed
Car: Maserati Granturismo

Vanilla Luxury: What are factors to consider when purchasing a supercar?
Aaron: Three things:
a.) As my work requires me to meet clients and big bosses, image or outlook is the most important factor. Well Maserati GT is a Boss car, or so I’ve heard – haha.
b.) Price. As I have other investments, I figured I should buy the car I can afford.
c.) Sound. I love cars with a loud exhaust and Maserati GT has the nicest Exhaust sound in my opinion.
Vanilla Luxury: What’s the best comment you’ve gotten from a woman about your car?
Aaron: Your car is as sexy as you
Vanilla Luxury: The longest you’ve ever driven?
Aaron: Single Trip – Kuala Lumpur (Took me 2 hours with 1 stopover)
Ling Wei Jie Rayner
Age: 23
Occupation: Self-Employed
Car: Ferrari 458

Vanilla Luxury: Is there any downside to owning or driving a supercar?
Rayner: My main downside is, I'm only able to fetch one of my family members each time we head out. So, supercars cannot be the first car to be purchased in a family.
Vanilla Luxury: Next to cars what else are you most passionate about?
Rayner: During my free time, I would take some time off to travel and look for business opportunities as well as indulging in some leisure activities.
Vanilla Luxury: If you could bring your car and drive anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Rayner: Germany! The reason for my answer - so I'll be able to understand the full potential and limit of the car, as there is no speed limit in some parts of Germany.
James Fong Jing Xiong
Age: 22
Occupation: Director
Car: Nissan GTR, Ferrari 458, Mercedes Benz C63

Vanilla Luxury: How many hours in a day do you spend with your cars?
James: I spend an average of about 60mins in my car to and fro from my home to work. I mainly spend most of my free time on the weekend to clean it, and make sure everything is in good order.Cruising around with friends and driving cars together gives me a lot of joy and happiness.
Vanilla Luxury: The coolest feature in a car you’ve seen till date?
James: GTR - By far the coolest feature that I have experienced is the suspension that enables the user to have 3 different modes of driving. It can be switched to a different mode in just under 3 sec.
First of all, it would be the normal driving suspension adjustment that relates to our city roads.
Secondly, race mode suspension. It allows me to have stiff suspension for better cornering and stability at higher speed or at like abrupt turns etc.
Last but not least, comfort mode suspension. When we have some construction resulting in some bumpy roads, I usually switch it to comfort mode so that the suspension would loosen up its stiffness and the user won't be feeling the impact as much.
Vanilla Luxury: What’s something you didn’t expect when you got your supercar?
James: Although there are many reviews on GTR but the unexpected feature before I bought the car I would say, is the easy handling and solid road holding much more superior than some Italian and German made cars currently in the market about the use of voice command. It shows that Japanese technology is very advanced even a couple years back. Bearing in mind that it this was launched in 2007
Justin Tan
Age: 22
Occupation: Self-Employed
Car: Lamborghini Aventador

Vanilla Luxury: How do you decide on which supercar to purchase?
Justin: When buying a supercar, I think the key thing that I consider is the looks. I don't consider things like whether it is practical or not because it's not something I will use everyday. Most importantly, it has to make me feel special, and put a smile on my face whenever I drive it.
Vanilla Luxury: Describe your first drive in the Lamborghini Aventador
Justin: Rather nervous but it was surprisingly easy to drive. Looking at the shape of the car, I certainly did not expect it to be such an easy car to maneuver around small tiny roads in Singapore.
Vanilla Luxury: Car and Women – what’s the sexiest feature they can have?
Justin: I think looks are one thing in common that they both have. I wouldn't look at a girl if she isn't good looking, neither would I look at a car if it isn't unique and outstanding.